Investigative Reporting at Its Finest. In Contention for a Pulitzer?
Nothing like a flair for the obvious. Apparently there are good nuclear explosions and bad nuclear explosions?

Loch Ness Curve Ball. Professor Claims Monster Really a Whale Penis (with Peyronies Disease?). Decide for Yourself….
UK Professor Michael Sweet aroused a lot of attention with his now-apocryphal theory that the Loch Ness monster is really a whale penis. Sweet has conceded that there are no whales in Loch Ness. However the side by side comparison if the original Nessie and Moby Dick’s grandson raises some interesting questions. You can be sure Herman Melville is be turning over in his grave. And Peyronies disease sufferers might rise up in protest as well. Sweet’s post garnered 100,000 likes. . Curious to know if if Professor Sweet has been cancelled by the International Peyronies Association.

And speaking of Oreos….there is a new field for Ph.Ds: Oreologists.
These cutting edge scientists are trying to determine if it is possible to open an oreo cookie with an even distribution of the interior vanilla creme. Apparently it isn’t….

Procter & Gamble wants to trademark online acronyms including WTF and LOL to advertise soap
After nearly poisoning thousands of babies who found those colorful Tide pods irresistible, Proctor & Gamble, the consumer products giant, is trying a new strategy to be cool. It has filed applications with the US Patent and Trademark Office to trademark FML (f**k my life), LOL (laughing out loud), NBD (no big deal) and WTF (what the f**k). Procter & Gamble has filed trademark applications for a number of popular and widely used internet acronyms, including LOL and WTF.