Not To Be Confucius: World Taekwondo Federation To Change Its Name Because of WTF Acronym
The decision comes after changes have already been made to the World Taekwondo Grand Prix and the World Taekwondo World Championships, with the decision discussed at the WTF’s extraordinary council meeting in Mexico City earlier this month.

WTF??? Cosby Openly Jokes with Larry King About Giving Women Spanish Fly in 1991 CNN Interview.
How times have changed! Maybe it was funny back in 1991 but CNN interview Larry King and Bill Cosby joke about using spanish fly on unsuspecting women. MSM seemed to have missed this beaut! Watch video: http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtZwL4c2JYA

When You Actually Think Bitcoin is Worth Less Than Warren Buffett
The Demi-Bubble continues. One thousand and one reasons crypto is worthless and the mother of all bubbles quickly followed by 999 reasons bitcoin is going to a million. Welcome to the VUCAVerse

Breaking News: First He Writes Love Notes with His Severed Finger . Then Johnny Depp Laughs About His Penis
Ukraine, COVIS, Sex Trafficking, Climate Change… We Get Johnny Depp’s body parts as breaking news….

FML: They Told Me This Came Off with a Little Soap and Water
Probably should have skipped those last 12 shots of tequila.

Ukrainian Fleet of Killer Dolphins Captured by Russians Go on Hunger Strike (for real!)
One of the key military resources that likely motivated Russia’s annexation of Ukraine in 2014 was the secret highly trained Ukrainian fleet of killer dolphins who helped patrol the waters near Sevastopol, the home of Russia’s naval base in Crimea. Sevastopol is also Russia’s only warm water port as all the rest freeze over 5 months a year, So no shit they would want control of Crimea. But along with the annexation of Crimea, Russian took control of the the Ukrainian dolphins who by 2019 had had enough poor treatment by their new Russian trainers and apparently went on a hunger strike according to a report in the Guardian. This lends credence to the theory (admitted a bit of a stretch) that the killer dolphins had had enough and in an act of revenged turned on the Russians and sank the Moskva cruiser. One man’s dolphin-terrorist is another man’s dolphin-freedom fighter. It is unclear whether the Ukrainian dolphins were practicing Muslims or members of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Here is the link to the Guardian article in its entirety, https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/may/16/ukraine-claims-dolphin-army-captured-by-russia-went-on-hunger-strike

National Enquirer: “DICK CHENEY IS A ROBOT”
Well, a bit crazy but to be honest … certainly an element of truth- Cheney doesn’t do well going through metal detectors at airports and purportedly (unconfirmed) shouts out “Metal Detect!” before even entering the scanners.

Men Who Stare at Goats Who Climb Trees: No Photoshop Involved
Mountain goats are generally known for scaling rocky surfaces with great aplomb. But in Morocco tree goats seem to have an affinity for climbing argan trees in search of the fruit of the argan tree. Whatever that an argan fruit is. Apparently the oil from the argan tree is called Moroccan Gold. Real gold sounds more interesting.

Was Putin’s Flagship Cruiser Moskva Sunk by Russia’s Killer Dolphins Gone Rogue?
Putin denies that Ukrainian missiles had nothing to do with the outrageously embarrassing sinking of his pride and joy nuclear cruiser, the Moskva. What MSM has missed is the most obvious answer is that Russia’s squad of killer dolphins had had enough of Putin’s bullshit and armed with bombs on their snouts sunk the unsinkable Moskva. Putin has yet to deny this intriguing and rather sensible explanation.

Albert Einstein Most Famous Contribution to the Study of Stupidity
Oh yeah, the E=MC whatever — that was pretty smart

My God, WTF Ever Happened to America’s Mayor?
Rudy playing pocket pool. Borat: pure genius.

Best Evidence of Supply Chain Shortages: Not Enough Material to Finish the Outfits?
With Covid and global sanctions it is clear there are serious supply chain issues.

Not much to add. The face says it all. Just would be nice to know what prompted this iconic reaction

Man’s ‘stomach pains’ turns out to be 32 inch headphone wire lodged in his bladder
Somethings are better left unsaid. In a case of “my dog ate my homework” a man’s stomach pains turned out to be a headphone able that somehow got stuck in his bladder. His contention that he swallowed it by accident and it ended up in his bladder doesn’t seem to hold water. Rumor has it ER, Grey’s Anatomy, and the Good Doctor are in a bidding war for the rights to the story.

Jones Road Beauty Blends Skin Tint With Foundation Releasing ”WTF” Moisture Tint
The cosmetic company launched by Bobbi Brown, is releasing a new line of Skin Tint “WTF Moisture”, whatever that means. Best guess is based on the marketing materials this skin tint foundation comes in an elegant palette of fecal-colored options.

George Foreman’s remarkably successful transformation from world boxing champ to world grilling champ, has inspire Mike Tyson who was keeping his ear to the ground, and has now followed suit. Foreman, whose product is officially known as the tongue-twisting George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine has earned more money flipping burgers than punching the daylights out of his opponents. According to Wikipedia, since its formation in 1994, George Foreman Products has sold 100 million units. But now Mike “the Chomp” Tyson’s new cannabis company is now offering Mike’s Bites edibles. Not clear if they come in left ear or right ear, but our somewhat dubious sources tell us Mike’s Bite next edible product will be the Nose Knows. Tyson’s recipe book will likely include his famous “Grilled Ear a la Holyfield.”

Marsupial Man: Most Disturbingly Amusing Image of the Week?
Photoshopped or otherwise this is a truly disturbing image. Hard to find a coherent or incoherent narrative that explains this image. Marsupial Man? Please forward any thoughts…