WTF? A New Scholarly Take on Normalizing Pedophilia? Seriously? Provocative or Just Plain Stupid?

Political correctness run amok at TEDx.  Watch at your own peril. Those pesky Scholars are attempting to normalizing pedophilia as its latest “normal”  sexual orientation to rile up the right rather than simply sticking withe sexual deviation label that seemed to work fine. Historically speaking pedophilia dates way back; Aristotle, Plato and the Greeks  seem to enjoy their boy toys. In the fullness of time, pedos had to face beheadings that were considered acceptable– ask those French aristocrats whose heads found their way  landing  on spikes and pikes like turtles on a fence post .   Oops forgot beheadings are still acceptable in certain parts of the world. Maybe as a compromise, chop off the little head down under. Or we could just ask Jeffrey Epstein…. oh forgot…he’s no longer available.

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